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Steer Clear    Title: "Steer Clear"
Description: The 6th rack in Greg's hat rack series.
Dimensions: 19"L x 14"W x 8"D 
Price: inquire (Edition Size: 50)
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Another Drink    Title: "Another Drink"
Description:  There is a peacefulness to watching a horse water - they are so graceful. 
Dimensions: 18" H x 7"L x 7"D 
Price: inquire  (Edition Size: 25)
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Star Gazer    Title: "Star Gazer"

This piece speaks in a special way. Star Gazer is tranquil and serene, beautiful and ethereal.  The mood is engaging and draws you in to its peaceful bubble.  One of the only constants that humankind has known, is the still bliss that sits in the night sky.  This Navajo elder astride his horse, standing in a sea of sage, wrapped in a trade blanket, is entranced gazing at the stars. 

Dimensions: 20" H x 16"L x 8"D 
Price: inquire  (Edition Size: 25)
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The Horse is Out of the Barn    Title: "The Horse is Out of the Barn"
Description: Greg began this piece during the pandemic as a symbol for what it caused, from a cowboy’s perspective, with all its unforeseen and related consequences.  Similar to a runaway horse.
Dimensions: 15" H x 28"L x 5"D 
Price: inquire (Edition Size: 25)
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Buffalo'd    Title: "Buffalo'd"
Description: Buffalo head bust, wine stopper.
Dimensions: 4" H x 3"L x 3"D 
Price: inquire  (Edition Size: 100)
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Last Call    Title: "Last Call"
Description: It has been some time since Greg has immersed himself in a wildlife piece. He thoroughly enjoyed getting to explore the wild nature and big game of our area. 
Dimensions: 37" H x 37"L x 20"D 
Price: inquire (Edition Size: 15)
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Horse Play   Title: "Horse Play"
Description: Wine stopper series. A functional miniature, Horse Play is the third in Greg's wine/whiskey stopper series.  It displays as a miniature bronze on your counter or bar, resting in its walnut cube base.  It makes an excellent starter piece or gift.
Dimensions: 4"H x 3”L x 3”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size:  100)
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Lady Luck   Title: "Lucky Lady"
Description: Companion to Cowboy Cheer.  Wine stopper series. She sports dice earrings and a playing card collar.
Dimensions: 4"H x 3”L x 3”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size:  100)
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Dark Timber   Title: "Dark Timber"
Description: Since 2006 Greg has created five beautiful hat racks in his hat rack series.  He created the unique design with the extra-long pommel drop to accommodate a cowboy hat, while featuring the sculptural beauty of the art piece.  “Dark Timber”, an elk head with stunning antlers, casts a beautiful shadow.  
Dimensions: 24"H x 14”L x 9”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size:  50)
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Keepin it Lit   Title: "Keepin' it Lit"
Description: The American West has always fostered rugged individualism, self-reliance, masculinity and independence.  A man that makes himself and stands on his own.  The West is tangible, it's raw and alive.  Those flames are stoked and the light lit.  
Dimensions: 42"H x 26”L x 22”D  life-size bust and torso
Price:  inquire (Edition Size:  15)  sold out
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Cowboy Cheer    Title: "Cowboy Cheer" wine stopper
Description: This functional piece of art may be used as a wine stopper or displayed beautifully as a singular bronze sculpture.  See other images.
Dimensions: 4.25"H x 3”L x 3”D 
Price: (Edition Size:  100) 
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Commitment    Title: "Commitment"
Description: This is the story of finally catching the ghost steer.  He kept eluding us all summer.  We couldn't quite figure out how he was giving us the slip.  Until one day . .
Dimensions: 29"H x 18”L x 11”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 15)
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Rodeo Road    Title: "Rodeo Road"
Description: Rodeo is a long road of ups and downs.  Thumbin' a ride to the next show may be the only way to get there.
Dimensions: 9"H x 4”L x 4”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 35)
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All She Needs    Title: "All She Needs"
Description: "The outside of a horse works magic on the inside of a person."
Dimensions: 15"H x 10.5”L x 8”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 15)
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  Title: "Sundance and The Wild Bunch Hit the Union Pacific"
Description: The Sundance Kid and the Wild Bunch robbed the Union Pacific Overland Flyer No. 1 in the early hours of June 2, 1899 near Wilcox, Wyoming.   . . .
Dimensions: 12”H x 25”Lx 15”D  study size
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 25)  Award winning sculpture
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    Title: "She Hung the Moon"
Description: For the beauty of good horses, cowgirls, and a moon-lit night .  . .
Dimensions: 25”L x 11”W x 8.5”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 25)
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  Title: "Smells Like Spring"
Description: Award winning sculpture
Dimensions: 15”H x 23”Lx 7”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 17) Award winning sculpture
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    Title: "Good Time Charlie"
Description: So the story goes... Charlie would leave for the saloons every afternoon.  Nancy would hold up two fingers, reminding him to have only two drinks.  Charlie would return home in the early evening and hold up a finger for each drink he'd had: two or three or five.  We give you Charlie, a larger than life character, a cowboy artist and an endearing soul who created the legacy of great Western art, and Nancy the woman who loved him.
Dimensions: 33”L x 11”W x 9”D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 15)
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    Title: "Horse Thief Canyon"
Description: In California, Walkara was known as a great horse thief, primarily due to an 1840 campaign through the Cajon Pass into Southern California which resulted in the capture of a large number of horses mainly from the Spaniards, with estimates ranging from several hundred to 6,000 horses.  Horse Thief Canyon and Little Horse Thief Canyon in the Cajon Pass are named for his thieving exploits.
Dimensions: 25"H x 44"L x 10"D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 15)
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    Title: "Pretty Handy"
Description: This pieces depicts the strength and beauty of young women of the West.  It romantically captures the empowerment of women in the American West and the historical significance of the modern cowgirl.
Dimensions: 12" H x 11"L x 10"D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 13)
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Headin For A Good Time    Title: "Headin' for a Good Time"
Description: The representation of the businessman team roper . . .
Dimensions: 39" H x 12"L x 40"D 
Price:  inquire (Edition Size: 5)
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Searchin' Silhouettes    Title: Searchin' Silhouettes
Description: A master at throwing a houlihan, the wagon boss, would search the silhouettes of the horses in the remuda and pick the mount he wanted to rope out... 
Dimensions: 16" H x 4.5"L x 7.5"D
Price: inquire (Edition Size: 13)
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  Title: The Mid Day Sun
Description: When cattle ship in from the warmer weather of Mexico and Texas to the much cooler early summer weather on the cattle permits in the Colorado Rockies, they often fall sick and require a little tending to. . .
Dimensions: 16"H x 15"W x 15"D
Price: inquire (Edition Size: 25)
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  Title: Searchin' the Horizon
Description: Every cowboy searches the horizon, looking for livestock, trying to decipher who the figures are that are riding his way, or just looking out over his spread wondering what is yet to come.
Dimensions: 10"H x 6"W x 6"D
Price: inquire (Limited Edition of 30)
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  Title: Little Brother of War
Description: In 1790 the Creek and Choctaw tribes used a game of Lacrosse to settle a dispute over the rights to a beaver pond. The pictorial depiction of that historic game featured here gives testimony to the passion and aggressiveness with which the game was played...
Dimensions: 59"H x 24"W x 19"D w/b
Price: inquire (Limited Edition of 35 ) Secondary market one avail. Award winning Sculpture
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  Title: My Own Buckin' Business
Description: The classic event of Rodeo - saddle bronc riding - is one buckin’ business! Over the years Stock contractors have bred and raised bucking horses to develop the best buckers possible...
Dimensions: 26"H x 18"W x 24"D
Price: inquire (Limited Edition of 25) Secondary market one available.  Award winning sculpture
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