~ Find us at these Events ~
Thursday March 20th : 10-5 Skull Society
Exhibit open to public,
Mansfield Convention Center.
6-9 C.M. Russell Museum, The Russell Silent Auction & Art
Preview - ticketed event.
Friday, March 21st: 10-9
Skull Society Exhibit open to public,
Mansfield Convention Center.
Art in Action Quick Finish &
Brunch -
Country Club - ticketed event.
4-6 First Strike Friday Night Auction & Skull
Society Exhibit, Mansfield Conv. Center - ticketed event.
7-9 Emmylou Harris Concert - ticketed event.
Saturday, March 22nd: 10-4 Skull Society Exhibit
open to public, Mansfield Convention Center.
5-11 The Russell Live Auction & Skull Society Exhibit - ticketed
Sunday, March 23rd: 8:30-11:30 Last
Chance Sale & Brunch & Skull Society Exhibit - ticketed event.
Many of The RUSSELL show events are ticketed. Please contact the
CM Russell
Museum for pricing and ticket information.