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Ian Tyson,  Terah & Greg

The RUSSELL was a wonderful success in March.  The venue at the museum brought supporters from around the country.  We had anticipated the show for a few months as Greg had Get 'er all Downbeen asked shortly after the first of the year to design and sculpt a piece for the Russell Museum's new Charlie Russell Heritage Award.  In its inaugural year it was presented in clay to Ginger Renner and Ian Tyson. The Charlie Russell Heritage Award is given to recognize significant contributions in interpreting and documenting Charlie Russell’s West. The award is a bronze sculpture designed by Greg Kelsey entitled GET 'ER ALL DOWN and depicts Russell holding his signature buffalo skull, looking out over a Montana landscape accompanied by his one of his horses.

 Shortly after the Russell Museum asked Greg to create the Charlie Russell Heritage Award they called again and asked if he would be interested in sculpting the new World Champion Saddle Bronc rider, Jesse Kruse, who is from the Great Falls area.  They wanted a piece commemorating his achievement.  All they had to do was say saddle bronc sculpture and Greg was entered.  He worked with Jesse's fThe RUSSELL Show with the Biscope'samily and close family friends getting reference material and visited with Jesse as well to come up with the position of the bronc and title of the piece.  He took the piece in clay to the "Art in action " quick finisArt in Action - The RUSSELL 2010h event which was the official fund raiser for the Museum.  Both numbers one and two sold at the Art in Action auction bringing $10,000 each.  We were awe struck and still feel extraordinarily blessed. 

Our sincere thanks go out to the Russell Museum's Board of Directors for entrusting Greg with the creation of the Charlie Russell Heritage Award sculpture.  Greg gave a lot of consideration to what Charlie himself would have done or what he would want representing the West he documented and loved.

 We were happy to visit with friends from near and far, many we only get to see once a year at the Russell events in Great Falls, Montana.  Our trip home was full of inspiration for sculpture and paintings as well as innovative business ideas.  The muses were talking and we were listening. Those special times of inspiration come from connections made to great people and friendships fostered where there is true belief in Greg's artistic gifts.  Greg & Mark RoelligWe don't take them for granted and thank those that bring them on.

Mark your calendars and make plans now to attend the show next March 17-19, 2011.  We will keep you up to date with show schedules and ticketing information as the date approaches.Greg, Terah & Lisa Roellig

Until next time . . . Take care and God Bless!




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